It's time to step away from the T-word

Republishing this piece from 2015 since it seems as relevant today as it was then.

As if you have to ask. You know you've said it. You know you've been saying it too much. You may have tried to stop, but can't. In the U.S., especially, people seem fixated on it.

The T-word makes many of us incredulous. It enthralls some, repels others. No one is neutral about the T-word. Some repeat it out loud to make sense of it. Few of us are immune to it. It baits us like P.T. Barnum, or Harold Hill, or Jay Gatsby.

It seems a distinctly American word: trump. There, I said it. As in "to trump" or be "trumped." It implies a quick, clever trick. It's an abrupt word. Linguistically sharp with edgy elbows at the beginning and end. One syllable, one note. Simple, really. 

There is theater in the trump card. It is often played with an arm-waving flourish, designed not just to win, but also to attract attention while doing it, say, like wearing a bright red cap in a crowd. It implies gamesmanship without the need for consistent skill. 

The Random House dictionary defines the word trump as "any playing card of a suit that for the time outranks the other suits." It's just a suit of a different color, powerful for the moment, yet transient by definition. A fleeting center of gravity without the gravitas. Still it is a winning strategy at the right time.

In our times, the T-word feeds our infotainment culture perfectly. It's showy and sometimes unpredictable and that is always seductive. The more we drop the T-bomb, the more the media covers it. And the more it is in the news, the more it seems like a real movement. And maybe it is. 

The T-word appeals to our basest instincts. We keep it alive in a national game of gossip. It has a can't-look-away quality that hooks us and makes us feel that maybe we, too, can speak our minds bluntly and be heard and followed and admired. Maybe we are all apprentice celebrities in waiting. 

For now, the T-word remains bold, loud, and fearless. It blares like a trumpet without a score. But it is not sustainable. Our brains habituate naturally. Even the T-word will become a habit and the habit will become boring. We'll stop hearing the continuous hucksterism. It will be like tuning out a barker at the county fair. The non-stop snarling will fade into background noise. 

Until the 24/7 trumping finds its rightful dead end, there is something we can all do. Stop saying the T-word. When you hear it, change the subject to Rubio or Clinton, Sanders or Fiorina. If you have to, Jindal. 

Because the T-word only has power if you let it. Don't let it roll off your tongue. Buck up, be brave and back away from the T-word. You can do it. Really. Go cold turkey if you have to. Now. 

Revisiting the American colossus

I’m usually sleepy when the 7:00 a.m. alarm goes off and the news starts floating over me, gently at first. Then it seeps into my consciousness with varying degrees of disbelief, anger and, occasionally, relief. Today that transition ended abruptly with a hard blink and a whole-body toss.

While I was listening to NPR, I heard an interview with acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Ken Cuccinelli. He discussed the news that President Trump plans to limit legal immigration by denying green cards and visas to those who are likely to request public assistance (translation: people who are poor and uneducated).

Cuccinelli was asked about the words in Emma Lazarus's poem “The New Colossus,” which is featured prominently at the base of the Statue of Liberty. This iconic poem has come to define the American promise to immigrants for generations: “Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore….”

When Cuccinelli was asked if the words of that poem still remain part of the American ethos, he said that they did. He just offered some tiny changes to the opening lines: "Give me your tired and your poor — who can stand on their own two feet and who will not become a public charge."

So now Trump administration officials fancy themselves poets in addition to all of their other skills. All I can offer is my riff on this seminal poem, originally written in the hours after Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. It feels as relevant as ever.

Do you have a take on the Lazarus poem? Share it in the comments section.

The new American colossus

By Tina Rapp

Giants of capitalism rise, chanting "me-me-me, my-my-my."

Thrash through

women, Muslims, Latinos, the disabled.

The racism, the misogyny, all that hate? Just comes

with the electoral package when you need a job.

With trembling lips, remember:

"Never stop believing that fighting for what's right is worth it." 

Think of the desperate, the tired, the poor. The angry white men yearning to be free.

Let the demagogue lead, try to redraw the borders of our teeming shores.

Our diverse masses will be free.

Here, a mighty woman still stands at the welcoming gate.
